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From our visit to the Knesset for the discussion regarding the situation  of the lone soldiers

About Us

Vision of Mesheli

Mesheli would constitute a responsible body for the purpose of connecting, guiding and escorting the discharged soldiers while dealing with the relevant bodies to realize their rights. Mesheli would also address and assist in daily issues, for a duration of three years after their military discharge.

Current Status

There are several bodies who assist lone soldiers, also after their discharge. However each body offers different support and services. This creates confusion with the soldiers who do not know where to turn to, for each problem.

Many of the soldiers move into an empty apartment and struggle to furnish it. Those who manage to find 2nd hand furniture, are faced with the costly transport of the furniture to the apartment. Many of the soldiers find themselves in a bureaucratic reality, without any sense of belonging, warmth and love.

Demographic breakdown

Every year about 3,000 lone soldiers are discharged

Means of Activity

Mesheli connects and coordinates between the soldiers and the relative bodies.

Mesheli has a nationwide logistics system, which enables the discharged soldier to equip his place of  residence in the best possible way.


Our system includes:

Storage spaces across Israel

Cooperation with relevant businesses and foundations

Recruitment of transporters nationwide

Recruitment of volunteers to assist soldiers as needed

Fundraising efforts

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